Thursday, October 17, 2019

Church growth handouts Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Church growth handouts - Assignment Example The learning goals aim to achieve a dedicated network of workers, a strong database of qualified resource people and organizations, implementation of training programs, aim to address obstacles to church growth and to research and experiment. The key strategies to achieve these goals include developing high functioning teams, imparting knowledge and developing practical skills, generating opportunities for worship and fellowship, knowledge and skills transfer, the sharing of resources, to be intentional about including the youth, equip bishoprics themselves to encourage the growth of their churches, and to manage resources responsibly. The purpose of the church is to create and develop all-rounded, Holy Spirit filled, and a productive Christian. The Church must be a place where believers share the Lords Supper, to proclaim the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ, and care for those in need. The church has several roles to play in the society. The church provides the foundation and platform, a point of reference for fellowship. Through the church, the God’s family is devoted. A church is also a place where the Christians can sharpen and instruct each other as well as be kind and loving with each other. In addition, the church acts as a source of resources, organizer and

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