Thursday, November 14, 2019

An Inspector Calls - Synopsis Essay -- English Literature

An Inspector Calls - Synopsis It's a comfortable night in springtime and the Birling Family and Mr.Croft are celebrating the engagement on their daughter Sheila to Mr.Croft. Its all going so well the whole family are wallowing in their self pride. There is a knock an the door, an inspector calls. As the inspector starts to break down the party, we start to understand more to the story. The inspector tells the group that there has recently been a suicide; by a girl name Eva Smith. He explains to the group how together it was of their doings that forced this girl to commit suicide. Mr Birling, a prosperous manufacturer employed Eva Smith at his factory. While working at his factory Eva Smith started a strike asking for higher pay rise which resulted in her sack. She managed to get a new job in a shop that was very popular among the Birling family. Sheila being the stuck up child that she is was shopping in there one day when she was trying on a certain garment and believed this Eva Smith was smirking at her. She complained to the shop resulting in Eva's second sa...

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